Lighten Your Load As You Move On To What’s Next

Make a start

We’re ever changing  human beings living in an ever changing world. I believe that the call to something more never stops for us.  Many of us, at midlife and beyond, continue to answer that call as we create something new for ourselves.

I’m a big believer in the power and importance of making a start. That’s the mission of my business – to help people get clear and get started on what’s calling them next.

Then let go

But I also think that letting go of what’s no longer serving us is just as important. When we begin something new, we also begin to add a lot more to our lives in terms of ideas, tools, resources, and commitments. It only makes sense to be letting go, too, in order to make room for the new.

These are some of the areas where I knew I needed to clear some clutter to allow for a better flow of new ideas and resources:

Paperwork from old jobs

I held onto articles, books, letters of recommendations, employee evaluations, position qualifications, etc. Most of this I would never use again.  I scanned a few basic records and shredded the rest.

Old personal and household records

I had tax and medical records going back over 20 years. I learned what I had to keep and shredded the rest.  Then I tossed old warranties, appliance instructions, old address and phone books.

Household items

I had taken quite a few items belonging to my grandmother, mother and father after they passed away. I also had antiques my husband and I collected together. None of it any longer suited my situation. I gave some thought to the best way to pass on each item, and let it go with no regret.


Much had changed for me during the decade between my 40’s and 50’s as I focused on a new direction for myself. I now went to bed and got up earlier, siblings and friends often had different focuses now that our kids were grown, places I liked to go and things I liked to do were evolving with me. I gradually let go of set commitments and allowed for a more spontaneous approach

Books, CD’s and DVD’s

I never thought I’d reduce the number of books I owned, but I did. I gave many away. Now I use my kindle for all fiction that I buy and I get a lot from my local library on loan. As for nonfiction, I review my collection regularly, and almost always find books I’m finished with.

Digital records and social media

My gmail folders can quickly get out of hand, and the same for my computer business folders. A couple of times a week, I set a timer for 30 minutes and go through and clear all that I can. I do the same with my social media accounts. I remove the negative and superfluous from my feeds.

Guilt, comparisons and all that negative stuff

Taking charge of my own mindset was critical to my moving forward in the way I wanted. Through a lot of inspirational reading and the practice of meditation, I became very aware of my thoughts and practiced keeping them positive and focused.

One more thing

Most of this is ongoing for me, and I dedicate small chunks of time to it regularly. If you find that you want to give it a bigger effort and time commitment, these are some resources to try:


Have you tried something different that  worked for you  Please share with us in the comments below.




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